Weimaraner Association of Canada

Submitted by
Gray's Asia Silver Sky & Mandy

Recommended Books
Breed Selection
Hart, Benjamin The perfect puppy: how to choose your dog by its behavior New
York: W.H. Freeman, 1988. This book is a discussion of behavior characteristics breed by
breed. Each aspect of dog behavior and its predictability is discussed. A good checklist
for you expectations of Weimaraner behavior.
Lowell, Michelle Your purebred puppy: a buyers guide New York: Henry Holt,
1900. A general assessment of many breeds.

Weimaraner Books

- Alexander, Virginia and Jackie Isabell Weimaraner Ways.
Germantown, MD: Sun
Star, 1994. ( information: www.weimaraners.com)
To order a copy of Weimaraner Ways, please call 1-800-WWEIMAR.
Burgoin, Gillian Guide to the Weimaraner
Woodbridge, England. The Boydell Press,
1985. (ISBN 0-85115-414-X)
Coffman, Judythe. A New Owner's Guide to Weimaraners.
T.F.H. Publications 1998. ISBN0-7938-2805-8 Well-written and illustrated basic
book covering history, health, care and training, etc. by a long-time breeder
judge, at a very reasonable price.
Hollings, Patsy. The Essential Weimaraner.
Howell Book House, New York. ISBN0-87605-364-9. Comprehensive basic book on the
breed, includes a section on weimaraners around the world.
Fox, Susan, Weimaraners: A Complete Pet Owner's Manual
Paperback - 95 pages (August 1, 2000), Language: English Barron's
Educational Series ISBN: 0764113224
Nicholas, Anna Katherine , The Guide to Owning a Weimaraner
Paperback - 64 pages (June 2001), English, TFH Publications ISBN: 0793822114

Most Important For The First Time Owner
The Weimaraner Manual as compiled by the Weimaraner Club of Washington
D.C. Information can be found at the WCWDC website:
www.dcweimclub.org/manual.html |

Members recommend

- "Weimaraner
[Weimaraner Memory Book] 1897-1997
WCA Liaison
to the
Weimaraner Klub e.V.
by Deborah G. Andrews
Weimaraner celebrates 100 years!
Here is a book detailing the exciting celebrations about this historic
event held in Weimar, Germany 1997, plus more!!
Each book features a film laminated, case bound cover measuring 9"
x 12", smyth sewn text, individually shrink-wrapped, and a page
count of approximately 256
For US, Canada and other countries orders submit to:
Deborah G. Andrews
RR 5 - Box 1200, Salem WV 26426-9469 USA
Tel: (304) 782 3009 *** Fax: (304) 782 2403
Email: [email protected]
