DNA Test for Coat Length
Weimaraners now available
submitted by
Bethany Manderson
January 18, 2007

I am pleased to announce that a DNA test for coat length has
been proven for Weimaraners. Whether you are breeding
toward, or away from, a longhair coat, this is a valuable
tool for future breedings. Test will determine Clear,
Carrier, Affected. Carrier of course being of great interest.
I put together a research group of dogs and worked with a
company that had proven the test for a few other breeds. My
gratitude goes out the the Canadian breeders that were both
eager and willing to submit buccal swabs & pedigrees to
me for the required research group of dogs in impressive turn-a-round
time. The breed is in your debt. For the test group, I created
a vertical-type pedigree document of these family related dogs
included with the test group. The company was very impressed at
our knowledge and confirmed through their testing, that we
were 100% accurate in our prediction of every dog on the
pedigree submitted for research testing.
These are exciting times we live in. A simple buccal (cheek)
swab of a dog of any age can be submitted and test results
can be both e-mailed immediately with the original, signed
hardcopy then sent back to you within 10 days. Tests can be
done at home, no veterinarian required. The test kits are
free from the company. You pay for the test and test result.
Therefore, it would be prudent to order kits and organize a clinic
at specialties as there is a reduced fee for 5 or more tests submitted
I explained to the company that in future, we will need to
work out a method to expidite test results for this breed
in the case of a mixed litter where we dock tails at age
2-3 days. They are happy to report that whelps can be
swabbed at that age, and that mother's milk does not interfere
with the test result. The possibility exists where a breeder can
prepare (order test kits) and never again be faced with docking a
longhair in error. The results can be submitted to the OFA for
their website also.
Whether you breed for, or away from, the longhair coat, this is
a very valuable test we now have available to us. As a new
breeder, I am thrilled to have been a part of this
breakthrough. I'm also thrilled to have the first set of
test results for my dogs!
My website is being updated now and a page for DNA test
results will appear shortly. Flint and Ellie's results will
be added to my site.
The following kennels participated in the reasearch group and I
am grateful for their co-operation: Kennebank Perm.
Reg'd - Nova Scotia, Canada - provided longhair sample Greydove
Reg'd, Nova Scotia, Canada - provided possible longhair carrier
samples Zweilicht Reg'd, Nova Scotia, Canada - provided
known longhair carrier sample and longhair samples Forester's
Reg'd, Ontario, Canada - provided possible longhair carrier sample
and shortcoat sample Winoka Reg'd, Ontario, Canada -
co-owner of the shortcoat.
To contact the company for free test kits their website is
below. I spoke with their research department today. They
had completed the research test group yesterday, the test
was proven and they e-mailed my test results this morning.
They are in the process of adding the Weimaraner to their
list of dogs eligible for coat length testing to their website,
but you can certainly call their 1-800 number or e-mail them to
request the free test kit now.
Yours in Weims,
Bethany Manderson
Forester Reg'd (Weimaraners)
Company: Veterinary Diagnostics Center, Ohio,
website: www.vetdnacenter.com
Tollfree: 1-800-625-0874 |